Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Why computer viruses attacking Windows more than Linux

Such as Windows, on Linux you can also see a computer virus. Even in the Linux computer viruses have existed since 95an. But why do we rarely hear about computer viruses on Linux?

There are several reasons why our views and listen more to a computer virus attacks on Windows than on Linux.

Linux users is not much as windows user, so not many viruses are made Linux users are much less than Windows. This is one reason why not many manufacturers that make Linux viruses as the target. But that does not mean that Linux already has many users, will be a lot of people who are interested in making Linux viruses. The following reasons will explain.

Linux security system much better than Windows From the beginning created, Windows already has a lot of security holes, which then used a computer virus to multiply. Unlike the Linux security system is much more stringent, for example:

  • Each user has access rights and property different. If the virus does not have access rights, then the virus will not be able to attack.
  • Default user Linux is a regular user, not a Root (Administrator in Windows), this causes the virus does not have full access rights and thus more difficult to attack a Linux system. Compare this with the default Windows user should the virus causing the administrator has full access rights on the computer.

Security system is far better and more troublesome viruses space is the real cause why the virus is rarely attacked Linux.

  • There is no tool that is easy to manufacture the virus in Linux In Windows, you can find many tools to create viruses that in fact is very easy to use. You do not need to be an expert on the virus to create a virus in Windows. In fact, because so easily, SMPpun children can now easily create a virus. Convenience offered by Windows can be a boomerang was to 'destroy' Windows. What about Linux ...? Besides having a security system that is more difficult to penetrate a computer virus, Linux also does not have this virus maker tool. So natural that not many people who make viruses on Linux.
  • Most of Computer virus makers are Linux user...?! This view emerged from practically the anti-Linux. Unfortunately this view is not proven true. Computer virus on your PC first appeared in 1986 - known as the Brain virus - and is made by programmers from Pakistan. At that time computers were still using DOS (Windows only emerged Linux version 1.0 and have not been made - see History of Development of Linux). Thus, it is not unreasonable to say that the virus makers are Linux.

Because the virus is rare in Linux and more difficult for to breed, then the Linux arguably far more free of interference than Windows viruses. As evidence ... starting from the time switch to Linux until now typing this article, the author has never even bothered with the virus in Linux.

Three high-ranking leading antivirus companies - Vaksincom, TrendMicro, McAfee - Salan provide predictions about the virus in Linux. Seven years have passed and Linux is still relatively safe from viruses.


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